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In today's business environment, companies only do things that either increase their sales, or decrease the cost of production. An example would be the outsourcing pandemic that we see before us today. Why are thousands of companies laying off millions of American workers to outsource the job in another country? Wait for it!...... Because it's cheaper!!! Big businesses will always make their decisions based on profit, because they have a legal obligation to their share-holders to increase profits.

So how are big pharmaceutical companies any different? Do you think that they genuinely want to cure your diabetes? Lets pretend for a moment that you are a big company who sells insulin to diabetics. Would you be excited to hear that someone discovered a natural remedy that cured a person of diabetes so they never had to buy your insulin ever again? Do you think that natural cure for diabetes would ever be made public?

The answer is undoubtedly "No." Not because its untrue, but because these companies spend billions of dollars every year advertising their drugs to keep the population in a money spending frenzy.

Health care is defined as the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases; so diabetes can easily fall into this category. So long as diabetics are sick, and people in general, there are billions of dollars to be made every year. If every person with diabetes was able to find a natural cure, the pharmaceutical companies that sell insulin would go out of business over night.

Virtually all drug companies and corporations involved in health care view you as nothing more than a customer - and so long as you are sick, you are a good customer.

So, again, what financial incentive do they have to let everyone know of a natural cure for diabetes? Health care is the most profitable industry in the world so long as people are sick, fat, depressed, etc. And so long as they can keep secret the cure for diabetes, they can keep raking in billions of dollars.

There are virtually only two reasons why we get sick, are ill, or have disease:

1.) We "catch" something that our body can't fight off (germs, bacteria, virus', etc.)

2.) We develop it over time, i.e. an imbalance in the body that causes something to not work right or work against itself in genetically weak areas.

So why are we, in the Western world, so riddled with diseases if we are going to the doctor more, taking more drugs, exercising more often, etc.? Could it be that the drugs we are consuming don't actually cure us of ANYTHING? That our dependence on them only re-insure repeat business through newly developed problems?

Really think about it!

You don't catch cancer, you don't catch diabetes, you don't catch a back-ache, you don't catch a head-ache, allergies, arthritis, impotence, PMS, depression, fibromyalgia, heartburn, obesity, etc. They are all developed over time by extenuating circumstances. Drugs are not the answer as they only suppress the symptoms, not treat the CAUSE.

So what is the root cause of diabetes?

The root cause of diabetes is rather simple if you look at it objectively. It is the pancreas' inability to produce much insulin, if at all, that the cells require to bind to the specific receptors located on them - which would then allow the glucose to be absorbed by the rest of your body.

What can you do to naturally cure diabetes?

I know it may seem unreasonable to completely change everything you've been doing your entire life. But realistically, everything you have been doing for your entire life has developed for you nothing but complications and diabetes.

Major changes in your life, as you've recently discovered, are necessary to not only control your diabetes, but to also completely reverse it. You may be thinking that you are stuck with injecting yourself with insulin for the rest of your life, but the reality is that you can naturally cure your diabetes through two incredibly simple things:

Diet and Exercise

But its going to take some work.

The importance of diet and exercise cannot possibly be explained in a single article as the information is not only complex, but shocking as well.

The bottom line is that everything we've been eating and drinking has been genetically modified, processed, produced with pesticides, or have chemical additives in it. This not only leaves the body malnourished as the food we consume has less nutritional value than it did 100 years ago, but also creates profound "stresses" on the body!

When the body is "stressed" like this, two things happen:

1.) The immune system is increasingly suppressed, making you more susceptible to disease.

2.) The alkaline pH levels of your body go from normal, cancer fighting levels, to acidic: in which the likes of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes can develop.

There are over 15,000 toxic chemicals that have been allowed to be added in our food without being listed on the label. Before you put it in your mouth you have to ask yourself: "Is this what nature intended?" A good rule of thumb that your doctor will most likely refuse to advise is this: If it's man-made, comes in a box, couldn't be created 100 years ago, or stored in a can - DON'T EAT IT!

Which leads me to exercise.

We are the only machines on the face of this earth that break down from the lack of activity like a car engine with no oil. Enjoying an active lifestyle, along with PROPER nutrition, are the single biggest factors that is able to naturally cure all physical ailments, including diabetes.

It's important that we arm ourselves with as much true, unadulterated, information as possible. Head on over to for the next step in naturally curing your diabetes for life.


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