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There are so many alarming stories about type 2 diabetes. Yes, it is a condition that definitely requires your attention and the wise choice is to start now. Let's get back to basics: it is the result of lifestyle choices. That doesn't mean you are bad or did anything wrong. What it does mean is you need to make up your mind to take action and undo some of the damage that may have already taken place in your body.

So what are these choices that are mentioned:

1. It had to start somewhere so let's start with the food we choose:

  • so many of us lead busy lives and don't feel like preparing food at the end of the day ... so we eat out or buy takeaway or carry out. These foods contain high fat, salt and sugar
  • we often overeat at restaurants; food on the menu sounds too good to resist
  • when we eat in company we often allow their choices to influence ours
  • missing breakfast sets us up to make poor food choices all through the day, eg. buying sugary snacks on the way to work

2. Reduced physical activity is the next step towards being overweight:

  • we jump in the car to go to the local shops, or drive to the station to catch the train. Certainly housing is further away from these conveniences than it used to be, but what do we do to compensate for this lack of activity?
  • we are tired at the end of the day and relax in front of the television

It's very basic but if we take in more energy than we use, the result is an increasing waistline.

Type 2 diabetes is the result of lifestyle choices; make a start to reverse this condition by looking at some of your habits:

Step 1:

  • keep a list of everything you eat and drink for seven days, write it down
  • take note of the type of drinks you have, eg. fruit juices or soda (fruit juices are high in natural-sugar and are equivalent to eating 2-3 pieces of fruit, soda is high in sugar)
  • become familiar with your eating style, then you will have a better idea of what you need to change

Step 2:

  • increase your physical activity. No need to be a gym junkie, walk for ten minutes after each meal. That's thirty minutes a day, three and a half hours each week
  • park your car further away from the train station, walk that extra five or ten minutes
  • get up and walk around the office a couple of times during the day

Step 3:

  • learn the basics about type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels. Keep it simple. There is no need for it to rule your life

Changing your food choices, increasing your physical activity and losing 5-10% of your body weight is far more effective in preventing diabetes than drugs like Metformin.

If you would like to learn some weight loss secrets, click here now to download my free E-book: Click here to get your free Trim Down Tips
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your Type 2 Diabetes.


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