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Diabetes is a serious medical condition. It is a life threatening and lifelong problem. Over 20 million individuals are suffering from diabetes alone in United States. Out of this figure around 6 million are those who are not even aware of their medical condition.
Most people are diagnosed with diabetics when they visit the doctor to treat some other ailment. The key to prevent diabetic complications is early detection of this problem. These are the first signs of diabetes that alarm the person of the upcoming problem.

Frequent Urination: When the level of sugar in the bloodstream increase to a certain level the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys also increases. Normally people start experiencing this problem of frequent urination as they get older. Sometimes people ignore this first warning sign of diabetes and think it is because they are growing older. If diabetes is the cause of increased urination it must be diagnosed. As if left untreated it can lead to kidney failure.
Excessive Thirst: A person feels thirsty as excessive water is flushed away through kidneys. To replace that water brain gets the signal of being thirsty.
Extreme hunger:  This first sign of diabetes is normally experienced when the body becomes energy deficient. This shortage in energy is because of insufficiency of insulin in blood. The brain then receive the signal that cells and body are hungry.
Sudden or Unexplained Weight Loss: When the body of the person is not getting enough energy from cell, it starts to break muscle and fat mass to replace the lack of energy. This substitution results in sudden weight loss.
Fatigue or Tiredness: Tiredness and fatigue are also the result of decreased level of energy.
Irritability and Mood Swings: Irritability and mood swings are also the outcome of lack of cellular energy.
Blurred Vision:   Blurred vision is also the warning sign of diabetes. Excessive blood flow towards eye leads to the swelling of eye's lens. So listening to the warning signs of diabetes is essential as if left untreated it can cause blindness as well.
Numbness or Loss of Feeling: Numbness or loss of feeling in legs, feet, arms or hand area is also one of the first signs of diabetes. These feelings in any part of the body symptoms diabetes.
If you are experiencing any one of the above first sign of diabetes, there are three things you can do
1. Visit the health professional
2. Visit Warning Signs of Diabetes
3. Gather as much information on diabetes as you can.
As you must know that diabetes is not a disease that will go by itself rather you have to take steps to manage it.


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