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How to Eat Properly If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Whether you get your news from the internet, newspapers or magazines you probably are aware of our nations obesity crisis resulting in a dangerous rise in type 2 diabetes. Treating your diabetes with the proper medication is important but what is just as important is eating the proper food. I suggest you start by familiarizing yourself with the food pyramid.

First, whole grains and starches are essential food elements,they are at the bottom of the pyramid and include such foods as; rice, pasta, bread and cereals. These foods contain carbohydrates. Starches and grains are best for you because these foods have a very low fat or cholesterol count.Grains and starches are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Diabetics are recommended to have 6 to 11 servings of grains and starches per day.

Second vegetables, are one of the foods known to lower blood sugar. They are healthy for you and filled with vitamins,minerals and fiber required to keep your body healthier. One of the best things about vegetables is they are naturally low in calories and if you do not top them with high calorie fattening toppings you can eat a lot of them. It is recommended that you eat at least 5 servings a day.

Next, fruits are another good food for the diabetic diet. They contain high fiber and a natural sugar that is important to maintain your natural blood glucose level. Because of the high sugar levels in some fruits you should carefully monitor the fruits you choose to eat. Eating to many of the wrong fruits can raise your blood sugar level. It is suggested you ear 2 to 4 of the proper fruits a day.

In addition, milk and milk products are another food that is good for diabetics to eat. Because they contain high amounts of calcium and protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. When choosing dairy products make sure you choose products that are low or nonfat because high fat dairy products are not good for your health. Two to Three servings of dairy products are recommended for good health.

Lastly, meats, fish and poultry, are very important because of the protein they supply the body. Protein is essential for your body to have energy. When you select your meat,fish and poultry it is best to select the lean cuts as many can be very high in fat. Four to Six ounces from this group is suggested spread out through the day for a healthy diet. Before you choose any diet, check with your physician to make sure what they feel is best for you.


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