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It is a sign of the industrialized age that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death, the 5th in the U.S. only. Not just diabetes itself but also its related complications such as circulatory and eye sight problems. Having a tendency in my family to lean towards diabetes type 2, especially in old age, I developed an awareness of the issue even though I am not currently affected, thank to exercise and attention to diet.
Diet is the main culprit for the onset of diabetes, closely followed by a sedentary lifestyle, as the surge of people affected in the last century testifies. Before the industrial age people were eating a healthy mix of cereals, fruits, nuts, vegetables and the occasional game. Indeed the human body has evolved for thousands of years to extract all the nutrients it needs from natural unprocessed resources, just like all other species populating the earth.

Unfortunately the industrial age has completely upset the food supply, making it more and more refined and processed. Sugars, sweets and acid forming food have become readily available and "convenient" for mass consumption with the obvious consequences this new nutritional habits have on the human body, specifically the pancreas. While with the old healthy diet the pancreas was working out, so to speak, to produce insulin and keep the blood sugar levels ideal, the massive supply of refined sugar and processed food of our age has made it too hard on the pancreas. Fast absorption carbohydrates make it harder and harder for the pancreas to produce more and more insulin to stabilize sugar levels. In turn acid levels from the sugars and uric acid increase further and directly attack the pancreas beta cells, responsible for insulin production.

The pancreas eventually becomes exhausted and over trained, so to speak, and stops producing insulin, hence diabetes. Diabetes is therefore a symptom of a sick pancreas. At this point the common scenario worldwide consists of insulin prescription which in turn leads to dependency for life, unless a drastic change in diet and lifestyle comes into play. Most people don't change and keep being reliant on drugs for life, failing to realize that the best strategy to fight their condition is prevention and a complete overhaul in their lifestyle. This is not anyone's fault because pharmaceuticals companies have an interest in keeping the status quo, so they can keep profiting on millions of sufferers. Yes, some people may develop diabetes more easily than others, so sometimes drugs could be justified for those more sensitive individuals, but overall I think that prevention alone would drastically cut down on the misery of millions, but unfortunately also on pharmaceutical companies' profits.

Think about it, running you're your body on sugars and processed food after thousands of years of cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits and the occasional meat, is like suddenly switching your car from gasoline to diesel or vice versa. No surprise it will stop working and you'll need to recover it to a mechanic for a deep cleanse.
The good news is that you can reverse the ill effects of an unhealthy diet and defeat diabetes with a drastic but healthy change in your diet and kick the insulin dependency for good.

Find out how to prevent diabetes and restore your pancreas and body to your original healthy condition. Stop being dependent on insulin and learn how to prevent diabetes.


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