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You Don't Have to Be Old to Get Diabetes

Our modern day, Western Diet is creating an epidemic of diabetics and those with related diabetic conditions. We've gone from eating 70 pounds of sugar per person per year to eating 150 pounds, according the US Statistics. Teens and the fast food crowd eat way more. In our grandparents and great-grandparents day, there was no such thing as convenience food. It was the baby boomer that rode the first wave of fast and convenience foods. It was the baby boomers and their families that bought the 'billions and billions served'. Now, it is them that are leading the obesity and diabetic wave.
More sugars, junk fats and salt fill the American diet. Surveys in the US show that on average 90 percent of all food sold in grocery stores is convenience foods. Some plates don't see any kind of vegetable except French fries for months. Some don't see anything green at all.

Most children these days, don't know where food comes from. The concept of a farm is totally foreign to them. They have picked up the food tendencies of their parents who are far from healthy. We are teaching our kids to be unhealthy adults because we are too busy to teach them good food habits by example.
The other problem we have created as a society is we have contaminated our drinking water supply. Poor food choices and drinking too little water are creating a diabetic population.
The pancreas is where insulin is produced, but the pancreas has two functions. The first function is to regulate the body's water and keep it in balance. The blood, lymph, kidneys, digestive system and body cells are all part of the water system. Everything needs to circulate and be available when and where it is needed. An adult sized person should contain approximately 70 percent water. Each cell requires potassium, amino acids and fuel to function properly. Insulin is the gatekeeper that is very efficient in regulating what goes into and out of the cell walls though insulin sensitive gates in the outer cell membrane. This pushing-pulling action of insulin is dependent upon available water in and around the cells. Unfortunately, this doesn't include other things that are liquid, notably, coffee, tea, sodas, carbonated beverages, juices, alcohol or even lattes. It means plain, unflavored water.

The other role that the pancreas plays is in food digestion. At the proper moment in the digestive process, the pancreas draws approximately two quarts of water from within the body, mixes it with sodium bicarbonate that it manufactures and secretes it into the small intestine, where it starts to neutralize the acidic contents emptying from the stomach.
If there is an internal water shortage in the body, the body then needs to make some decisions as to which parts of itself get the available water. Since digestion is required to get available fuel for the cells, it can take priority over certain cell functions. The signal then goes to the pancreas to reduce insulin secretion, which slows or stops the entry of water and nutrients into the cells. The gates shut and the water is shunted to where it is needed. This provides the water needed to make the alkaline, pancreatic juice.
When there is insufficient water to provide the insulin-sensitive gates with water and nutrients for optimum cell function, the gates can become damaged from lack of water. This can cause them to malfunction or become dysfunctional. This is the start of the turbo-aging, degenerative processes associated with conditions like diabetes. As the body becomes more dehydrated, it becomes more acidic as the gates and the body's natural flushing system slow to a trickle, literally. This acidic condition can become chronic and is then called acidosis. Body acidity stimulates the need to draw more of the bicarbonate and minerals from your organs, teeth and bones to attempt to buffer the irritating metabolic acids, particularly to keep the pH sensitive blood and brain alive.
When there is insufficient water for a long enough period of time, the pancreas slows or stops insulin production because there is not enough water to operate the cell gates properly. The body now has what is called Type II Diabetes.
Believe it or not, there are two types of Type II Diabetes. The first type is where the body is dehydrated and the pancreas has put its insulin production to sleep. This type of Type II Diabetes can be reversed by watering the body properly and waking up the sleeping insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Alkaline drinking water, particularly spring water or alkaline, ionized water work best for this process.
The second type of Type !! Diabetes is where the insulin producing cells in the pancreas have become damaged beyond repair from chronic dehydration. This type of diabetes is very difficult, if not impossible to repair.
The best course of action is to be aware of what causes diabetes and to change your lifestyle and your food choices before you become diabetic. It is so important to drink more water. Keeping the cell gates functioning properly will go a long way to prevention or even reversal of Diabetes.
Jean Perrins is a retired nurse and an alkaline, ionized water specialist. She has been field testing the effects of structured water on health in her clinic with sometimes astounding results. It is clear that water has an affect on health that we, in the West are just beginning to understand.
Jean is currently working with a team to develop microbicidal and Free Active Chlorine applications to revolutionize industrial and agricultural methods using Invins-AbleTM electrochemically activated water. She and her team believe that Invins-AbleTM will help eliminate antibiotic and hormone use in food animals and will allow cleaning and chemical services to do more and more processes with this structured water. The economic and environmental savings are astounding.


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