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Diabetes Cure - Has One Been Found?

Have we finally found a diabetes cure? The answer depends on who you speak with. Drug companies invest billions per year on both sides of that coin. On one hand they search for a cure but on the other hand they make billions a year on selling drugs that doesn't cure the disease, they only treat the symptoms. Only treating the symptoms make this a business that I'm sure that none of the company executives want to see go away. By managing a few factors, you can prevent and in many cases cure this deadly disease.
Diabetics are not able to metabolize the glucose in their blood. The destruction of Beta islet cells in the pancreas that secretes insulin is called "Type 1." People with Type 1 diabetes need insulin injections daily. The destruction of insulin receptors on cell surfaces which causes the cells to be resistant to insulin is called "Type 2." You can manage Type 2 diabetes with medication in pill form, exercise and an improved diet.
With lifestyle changes you can greatly reduce symptoms and keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range. By managing your diet, you can gain a lot of control over the symptoms. A diabetic diet should include rich fibers, carbohydrates in small amounts and low proteins.
Also, foods should also be rich in vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants, which boost the immune system. Some argue that a diabetes cure is a diet of leafy greens, apples, nuts, whole meal breads and dairy products. Weight is another big factor. Overweight individuals tend to suffer many more complications with this disease.

A good rule of thumb is to exercise at least 3 times per week for weight control. Exercise is considered a natural cure for many physical ailments of the body. The rise in Type 2 diabetes in children is directly connected to obesity. It is believed by researchers that as civilizations become more dependent on the advancement of technology, people are more susceptible to a less active lifestyle.
Stress management is also a very significant area that you need to have under control. It could be emotional, physical or mental stress that you need to get control of in your life. A natural diabetes cure is not the only disease stress management helps with. It also helps with diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. The management of stress can be managed through exercise, yoga, meditation and whatever is best for you to relax.
Another negative contributor to diabetes is smoking. Quitting smoking is very important. All of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes interfere with diabetic medications and other forms of therapy. People wanting a diabetes cure would see a significant improvement to their health if they would make this important lifestyle change.
One healing element that is commonly overlooked is to drink lots of water. Water is calorie free and helps the body flush away harmful toxins.
1 Diabetes Cure gives excellent information on the existence of the natural treatments for this disease


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