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Resveratrol to Treat Or Prevent Diabetes

If you haven't heard about Resveratrol yet it is probably because you haven't switched on your Television for a while: it has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, 60 Minutes with Barbara Walters, in the New York Times and other famous mainstream media. It is a phytoalexin produced by plants when they get under stress to protect themselves from for example bacteria and fungi. Experiments done with mouse and rat report that Resveratrol in itself has a huge list of important health related benefits such as cancer treatment or prevention, lowering of blood sugar, enhancing of the cardiovascular system and a few more.

In this article I'd like to take a look at the blood sugar lowering effect that is the most important for diabetes sufferers and those who want to prevent it. There are two ways in which Resveratrol helps to control the onset of diabetes and if it has already occurred helps to keep it in line.
If your body loses its sensitivity to insulin there is a good chance of developing a type of diabetes. Resveratrol has been reported to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and that is a huge leap towards to stopping the disease completely, as it reduces the amount of insulin that is needed to maintain a normal level of blood sugar.
The second method which is equally important in treating and preventing diabetes is that Resveratrol activates an enzyme called "SIRT1". The SIRT1 enzyme's "job" is to control the insulin sensitivity of the body and insulin secretion. When its activated it helps you fight diabetes completely naturally.
I personally have a friend that has diabetes and when I recommended Resveratrol to him he ordered online, started taking it and to take notes of his observations. He says that his otherwise hectic sugar levels are now a lot more normal (less difference between max and min levels) and he's a lot more relaxed compared to a few months ago.
Warning! Most of the resveratrol suppliers are not trustworthy. I contacted 12 different companies that produce and distribute resveratrol pills and 9 of them don't even worth mentioning! If you want to know the three that I had positive personal experience with - good customer support, low price AND the ability to test the product before purchase via a free trial! - visit my own resveratrol comparison and review page!


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