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How I Cope With Diabetes

I've been coming to grips with my diabetes for over ten years now. I enlisted the aid of my doctor and dieticians but ultimately I know the major contributor to how well I cope with diabetes is me! Coping with diabetes has primarily meant changing ingrained poor nutrition habits. I know for a fact I have been guilty of skipping breakfast. But lesson number one as a diabetes is that you must have at least three balanced meals a day. Breakfast is probably the most important one of all. I appreciated the advice of one nurse. She told me to make sure I switch from hot breakfasts to cold breakfast every other day. This in her words sometimes can allow you to 'trick' your metabolism into working a little harder for you. It also will stop you from becoming bored with the same old bacon and eggs everyday. I'm finding this is making me look forward to breakfast a little more.

Aside from this, there are some things that I am learning to do for myself. You've probably heard these cliches before but in the case of a diabetic they really apply.
Care About Yourself First
Sometimes we as diabetics may have other family members to care for or just other responsibilities to manage. With diabetic education, I've learned that all these must take a back seat to your maintaining your diabetes or keeping it under control. So get breakfast ready for the family but make sure you sit down and eat a well balanced breakfast before or with your family. I'm finding I really have to change my mindset. I'm not naturally prone to the me-first way of doing things but when it comes to diabetes, and when you see all of the damage it can do to you, the me-first attitude is a little easier to apply in your life.
Take a Walk
Walking has amazing benefits to the diabetic. Not only do you get the cardiovascular benefits but you also
derive benefits to your mental health as well. My doctor recommends a brisk walk for 15 to 30 minutes a day. She says this also will help keep my blood sugar levels down. I've been trying to go for a walk around the neighborhood or in a park to drink up the beautiful scenery in my part of the county. So diabetic, do take a walk!
See your doctor regularly
I mistakenly thought I could manage my diabetes on my own once I knew exactly what I had to do. I couldn't have been wronger. Usually, doctors schedule quarterly visits as follow-ups to diabetic patients. This is to monitor how well you are managing your diabetes. They will check your feet as well as getting blood samples to test the recession or progression of the diabetes. This is critical. You may be feeling just fine but your diabetes could be out of control. So making my doctor appointments is one way I cope with my diabetes.
Join a support group
I recently joined a support group of diabetics and this has proved awesome also. We've shared recipes and other methods of controlling our diabetes. Groups like these are plentiful on the internet. In summary, common and simple control procedures will really help to manage and treat this medical condition. Educate yourself and feel better today and in the future.
Conquer diabetes now. Download a free brochure about diabetes and your kidneys. Now


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