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Advances in the Treatment of Diabetes

Advances in the treatment of diabetes are currently being researched all over the world. But currently there is no cure that has been accepted by the medical communities for either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes.
Type-1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of Beta islet cells in the pancreas which secretes insulin. Insulin metabolizes sugar in the blood system into energy that can be absorbed and used by the cells. People with Type-1 diabetes need to be on insulin for the rest of their lives. Type-2 diabetes is caused by the destruction of insulin receptors on cell surfaces which causes the cells to be resistant to insulin. Type 2-diabetes can be managed with medication and/or lifestyle changes.
Currently research is being conducted using controversial embryonic stem cells as well as stem cells taken from adults. But because of the ethical and political debate concerning embryonic stem cells this pathway to a cure is moving slowly. People who believe that life starts at conception strongly oppose embryonic stem cell research because the cells come from human embryos which are destroyed in the process. Embryonic stem cells have not matured into human cells and have the greatest potential to become any type of cells in the human body, including hair, skin, blood, as well as Beta islet cells.
There are several Amazon jungle root herbs being studied with reported abilities to lower blood sugar levels, normalize the frequency of urination, and eliminate glucose in the urine of diabetics. In Brazil, Pfaffia root has been used for years to treat the symptoms of diabetes. Pata-de-vaca is also widely used in Brazil for the treatment of diabetes.

In China and other parts of Asia there are many herbs being studied that help with blood glucose levels as well as some that relieve the effects of narrowing blood vessels which is a complication that occurs with diabetes.
Another natural substance that is being studied is cocoa. A study conducted in Germany showed cocoa with high flavanol improves cardiovascular health. The study was specifically to test the effectiveness of the cocoa with long term use. 41 stable Type-2 diabetics were given cocoa with high dose flavanol in comparison with low flavanol dosage cocoa. During the study, the researchers did find that the flavanol found in cocoa did have a positive effect on FMD response in diabetics. Researchers concluded that these results happened by increased production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a chemical that sends signals to arteries to relax and widen in response to increased blood flow. This relaxation of the arteries takes stress off the heart and blood vessels.
The University of Pennsylvania is currently conducting clinical trials for a new surgery called Islet Cell Transplantation. With this new procedure, doctors are transplanting islet cells from a matching donor. Beta islet cells are the cells from the pancreas that secrete insulin. The procedure is for Type-1 diabetics whose Beta islet cells have been destroyed and therefore no insulin is produced. These patients need to be on insulin therapy for the rest of their lives so during the course of the disease, this insulin therapy can become very expensive. With the Islet Cell Transplantation, once the stem cells are transplanted into the liver, many patients report that the body starts giving warning signs when the blood sugar is too low. Many Type-1 diabetics have previously had no warning and often just black out which can be dangerous when driving or performing other critical tasks. Most patients currently need two transplantations to get totally off insulin therapy.
Advances in treatment of diabetes are currently being researched all over the world. But currently there is no cure that has been accepted by the medical communities for either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes.


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