-Making Changes for Life's Sake
Baby boomers living with diabetes have learned living with diabetes is not a death sentence. Boomers will need to make lifestyle changes if they want to avoid some of the unpleasant complications related to diabetes but, by following the advice of their doctors, they can live full and active lives. It comes down to the baby boomers who take control.
Is diabetes anything more than just another of life's challenges? No, but I do consider it a serious challenge because of the complications of unchecked diabetes such as kidney disease, heart disease, loss of limbs, blindness, etc. Studies have shown diabetics live an average of 8 years less than non-diabetics with the majority of deaths related to heart disease.
Let's bring this down to a personal level. The complications of diabetes can be mild, severe, or almost non-existent, depending on how serious you are about changing your life style. It's your call and that's the way it should be. A change in your diet, a commitment to regular physical activity, having your doctor give you a complete run-down on diabetes, and taking the initiative to read everything you can get your hands on about the disease, is required.
The importance of following your doctor's advice cannot be over-stated. Every step you take in controlling your diabetes, should be discussed with your physician before implementing. Your diet, an exercise plan, and of course, any medications, should be discussed with your physician, before you begin.
You can choose to live a full and active life, as many other baby boomers, with diabetes have, or you can keep going down the road you've been traveling on, and begin to mentally prepare yourself for some of the quite unpleasant complications.
The choice you make on how to deal with your diabetes, is just another of the million choices we make in our lifetime. There's just more riding on this decision. Following your doctor's advice, eating more nutritionally, and regular exercise will, allow you to control how much you're affected by the illness. Severe complications, hospitalization, and an abbreviated lifespan, are not symptomatic of the illness if you take control of your diabetes.
To your health and happiness,
Rudy Venice
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