Eating every food in the right proportion will help you stay healthy. Avoiding junk and fried food is good if you want to lose weight. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good source of essential nutrients. Having them in right servings will help you maintain a balance. A diabetic needs to include complex carbohydrates in his/her meals which can be obtained from whole grains. Try whole grain pasta or a bread for breakfast. Too much of carbohydrates can trigger sugar level imbalance. Food high in sodium and fats also need to be eliminated from your meals. However, 20 percent of fat is a requirement for the reproduction process of the body.
You do not have to follow a complicated diabetic diet in order to stay healthy.
Restrict your servings to every food group and you can feel the change. A 2000 calorie diabetic diet is all about taking in only 2000 calories daily from your meals. The monitoring tools will help you check the calorie count. Here is a sample menu for consuming up to 2000 calories a day. For breakfast, a cup of pasta, along with 2 slices of bread, one egg, a cup of yoghurt that is sugar free and a serving of fruit is good enough. For fats, you can have a 2 slices of bread with a spoon of margarine spread on it.
Lunch can comprise of 2 servings of vegetables, and a small portion of chicken or turkey. Fish is an excellent source of vitamins and should be a part of a diabetic diet meal plan. In place of pasta, you may like to have a cup of cooked brown rice or 2 slices of bread with some peanut butter. For evening snack, a cup of herbal tea or coffee is healthy. A fruit and some nuts are good to munch during the evening break. Dinner can be servings of either a meat or fish. Baked or roasted meat is delicious as well as healthy. One serving of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables should be included in the meal. A cup of skimmed milk will be easy after a dinner.
If you have knowledge about various food groups, then you can plan your own 2000 calories diabetic diet menu. Consultation with a dietitian or doctor will come in handy when planning your 2000 calorie diabetic diet sample menus. Various combinations of food can be done to gain 2000 calories daily. This will help you not only stay healthy but will also satisfy your taste buds.
This article is submitted by Ola Martinsson, who just recently got the diagnosis diabetes. Trying to read and understand as much as possible. Found an interesting site at with an free ebook with more than 500 diabetes recipes.
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