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Warning - Type 2 Diabetes is Not Just For Old People

The number of individuals being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in America . You may be in your early twenties or thirties with no cares in the world, so you think. Don't be caught off guard. Type 2 Diabetes is not just for old people!

The American diet is notoriously bad. Fast food junkies are everywhere. Young adults think they have no time to prepare decent meals so they stop in the nearest fast food place and pick up something to eat really quick and think their problem of what to eat is solved for the time being. Little do they know they are setting a fuse for the time bomb of diabetes to be set off in the not too distant future.

Diet is important no matter what age you are. Dieting to loose weight is the norm among the young for vanity's sake. I mean, everyone want to take pride in how their body looks and what kind of impression of having it all together they give people. However, eating a diet that is full of natural nutrition is needed for your health's sake. Don't be fooled, you may be the next victim of this dreadful disease called diabetes.

A survey conducted by the American Diabetes Association shows that early onset Type 2 diabetes is around 35 years of age. If you are a young middle aged adult that has type 2 diabetes, there are natural lifestyle changes as well as better eating habits that can incorporated into your daily life to stave off some other bad health conditions that can be the result of having this disease. You can find a lot of important and extremely helpful information in various ebooks that are online that have been written by people who have actually conquered diabetes. Much of this information you will not find in the medical field. Doctors may not tell you how to conquer diabetes. But you do not have to depend on them. Strong minded people do not submit to doctors opinions only. Changing the way that you eat and paying special attention to your daily diet can help you keep your blood sugar levels stable. You may not even need medication if you incorporate some healthy choices into your daily life. Exercising is another key ingredient to conquering this dreadful disease.

If you do not educate yourself about diabetes and make some small changes to your diet and lifestyle, you run the risk of contracting co-existing diseases like heart failure, risk of having your limbs amputated later on in life or the danger of going blind.

Before it is too late for you, stop the fast food madness and learn how to cook healthy whole foods. Cut out your addiction to sugar and cut way down on your alcohol consumption. Remember to make time for exercise and drop the killer addiction to nicotine. Why put your life at risk? Protect who you are and how you want to live your life. There is no need to fall prey to diabetes like so many Americans are doing these days, just to satisfy some temporary fixes to stressful lives. You may be one who thinks diabetes will never happen to you. You can make sure of it by taking control of bad choices now.


kellieglass said...

As a Registered Dietitian, I am extremely familiar with the victims of Type 2 Diabetes. The clients seem to be getting younger and younger. Diabetes is definitely something to take seriously, but if you take care of yourself and make the necessary lifestyle changes, diabetes doesn't have to be a death sentence. My new book, "How To Eat Fried Chicken and Be Thin Too" will teach you those necessary lifestyle changes to improve your quality of life and prevent or control diabetes. It can be found on or at

armouris said...

info on diabetes here - Fighting Diabetes

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